Thursday, May 13, 2010

a few questions answered

I just wanted to let everyone know that doug has posted a new responce to some of the questions we haved been asked. You should watch them, they are very infomative.

Fixed the links


Smoth said...

When you build say the white base, you get no ms, only the ball, corebooster and corefighter :(. I built ALL BUILDINGS, all units. I had no ms in the uc tree.

Archanglel does give dagger dopplehorn and a flying variant

Argama gave me no unlocks :(.

I look forward to the next version though. Sorry if I upset doug, I didn't mean to. I am really flattered he is doing these sit downs!

azuza001 said...

You have to build say the white bas then land the ship. Once landede you have to reselect the ship. Then you will see the units that can be built out of the ships.

Anonymous said...

I strongly recommend that you post your updates on moddb. there are also questions that coul dbe answered, and if your under manned for the project there is a large number of people you could recruit to help.

For some reason though the MOD keeps getting updates with no changes or news on whats going on, if the real maker would show up and claim it's MOD back from moddb and tell us whats new with it, that would be most awesome, also your youtube links dont work. -.-


smoth said...

Valherran, remove the spaces out of the youtube links and you can see the videos.

azuza001 said...

I fixed the youtube links. I will talk to doug tonight about moddb and what we will be doing about that situation.

smoth said...

Azu, I hate to ask this, how do I land the whitebase?

azuza001 said...

When you deploy the white base click on the unit. On the bottom right of the screen is a picture of the White Base with the 4 upgrades or abilities. 3 of the upgrades currently give the white base weapons in mobile mode, where the 4th is a deploy button just like the GDI have on their battle base. Clicking the deploy button lands the white base. What it is actually doing is swapping the unit out for a structure. Click on the white base again at this point and you will see that it now has the ability to build units. These units have upgrades on them that are required to be able to build higher level mobile suits.

Anonymous said...

umm... i think freedom and justice not fit for the earth alliance, maybe you should make ORB-AEUG faction....

smoth. said...

K, finally played it with the federation ms.

a few things.

first. I have a better white base and gaw model(which is a zeon carrier) I can give you.. if you fix the following:

The rgm79gs are equipped with machine guns but you have them firing lasers....

The ez-8 is STILL firing a laser out of it's bazooka. Something I mentioned to doug LONG ago in talk shoe.

The large ms you are using as the prototype guncannon/lite guncannon is the GM cannon II, which should come after the gmcannon and after the guncannon mass production version.

There are a lot of things about the way the ms work that is very off-putting to a fan of gundam. I hope you guys can address these in the future.

azuza001 said...

Smoth, if you are willing to give us those models I would appreciate it.

Now here are a few things. First remember this is an alpha. Its a proof of concept not a final product. Some of the things in the game as they are now, like the guncannon using the mk ii model instead of its own, is there just to fill in the gap until we can get a real model. I have modified the current guncannon mk ii model more and the new guncannon prototype looks more like the original now. You will see this in the next release.

Also the rgms have a machinegun but when you upgrade the rx78 to a beam weapon it also upgrades the rgms. This was just a test and we will be changing it in the next release.

Finally the ez8 is actually gonna be a gm sniper so it won't be using a bazooka. There will not be an ez8 in our game in the next release.

Francisco Rodriguez said...

How do i install this mod on my game using windows 7 and also i think ill need for a new link because i dont think im getting all the files i need for the mod on so please help

write back if you can

azuza001 said...

Installing the mod on win 7 is a lot like installing on windows xp. You need to place the mod files in your documents folder. There should be a directory there for cnc3 tiberium wars. Go into that folder and there should be 2 folders there, a replays folder and a mods folder. If there is no mods folder make one. Then go into the mods folder and place the xenoforce.big and xenoforce.sku into a directory named xenoforce.

I believe that's how you do it on 7. I am personally running xp for the mod tools I use to work so I may not be the best person to ask lol.

As for the mod on moddb I don't know what files are on there as we didn't put it there.

I suggest getting the mod from one of the supported locations (links below) until we get the next version out. The next one will be on moddb.

smoth said...

wicked shame, the ez-8 is a fan favorite for a lot of people including me. However, it is your design decision.

Can you pm me on moddb so I can give you a link to the gaw and white base models?

Is this fine:
OBJ: model
PNG: Texture

smoth said...

Running on windows 7

(your cnc location)\CNC3.exe -modConfig "(location of xenoforce)\xenoforce\xenoforce_0.7a.SkuDef"

Have fun.

Also I like to run windowed, for that:
(your cnc location)\CNC3.exe -win -modConfig "(location of xenoforce)\xenoforce\xenoforce_0.7a.SkuDef"

Good luck francisco

azuza001 said...

Smoth that layout is fine, could you email me the models instead?

Francisco Rodriguez said...

yeah thanks that did help to put the mod in but how do i start the mod once im done


Smoth said...

K, sending shortly azu.

fransisco read my post.

Francisco Rodriguez said...

ok i sorry but im not reading you loud and clear when i did that nothing happened and on top of that it keeps telling me to open the file with something but i dont know what im still a noob at this whole mod thing so if you can just start off from the top i would be very greatful

azuza001 said...

Francisco Rodriguez, the problem you are having is 2 fold.

1. You don't know what a .rar file is. You need a program like WinRar which can be easily located on google to unrar the file that you download from us. These types of files are all over the internet, they are a better form of compression of a .zip file, and if your going to be downloading mods and such for games you should definatly get used to them. Winrar is shareware (its free but you can pay the developers if you want) so it should, again, be easy for you to get your hands on.

2. Once you have unrared the mod into the proper location you have to run the CnC3 Command Center program, click Game Browse, click on the Mods tab, and Xenoforce should be there. If it is not, then I am sorry but I am runing out of ideas on how to help you in this.

Francisco Rodriguez said...

well it didnt work but i really thank you for u helping me but i have one last request would it be possable for you to upload that mod on to the Crosus mod distrabution system my computer seems to get and use mods better that way if you know what program im talking about thanks again and i still look forword to playing that mod im a pritty big gundam fan