So doug has done a few more battle reports for everyone to watch, he shows off the new GDI quite extensivly in these so if your interested in how things are changing I'd say give it a look.
Scrin are about 60% done now, I hope to be done with them by next Monday. We're pretty much set on how we want to change EF and SEED now, so hopefully once that part of the project gets underway we won't be having any more "Well, our design worked fine until such and such happened, then it kind of went out the window" instances and we can get on with the real work at hand.
Command & Conquer 3: Xenoforce Renorn - Why the Freedom Gundam is no more prt 1
Command & Conquer 3: Xenoforce Renorn - Why the Freedom Gundam is no more prt 2
Command & Conquer 3: Xenoforce Renorn - Why the Freedom Gundam is no more prt 3
Command & Conquer 3: Xenoforce Renorn - why grass hopper got a buttwoopen prt 1
Command & Conquer 3: Xenoforce Renorn - why grass hopper got a buttwoopen prt 2
Command & Conquer 3: Xenoforce Renorn - why grass hopper got a buttwoopen prt 3
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