Friday, September 3, 2010

Open forum time.

The other day I placed out our current plans for the SEED design.  Since then we have been getting a lot of feedback (mostly in a negative way) about what we planned on doing.

So me and Doug talked about it and this is what we have decided.  Were going to put SEED off for just a bit while we here from you guys on what you want.

And so this is my challenge to you.  Tell me how you want your Earth Alliance SEED army design to look like.  What units, what build orders, what abilities/special powers.  I'm not saying that we're going to use them, but we will look at each and every one and if there is something there that we think is a good idea then we may just use it!  

And besides, it's not like we're REALLY putting the Gundam SEED off for very long.  I'm currently working on redesigning the basic EF force right now (building orders and such).  Here's a pic of a building I put together for the EF replacing the original War Factory.  Our idea is to have the Madea fly in and drop the unit off on the landing pad instead of it just comming out of a giant hanger.  It's not very detailed right now, I need to go back and do some more work on it, but it works for now for me to test the drop-off code.  

Also, if you guys have any pics or ideas for buildings that you think I should use instead of the ones that are already there (yea, right now I'm looking to replace most of the buildings in the EF faction) send them my way so I can take a look.  Also, if you can't tell, I still suck at texturing models.  If anyone happens to have a good tutorial explaining how to texture a model in 3D studio max 8 I'd appreciate it.

As always, email is


Anonymous said...

Nice building...., About the Earth Alliance it's better to be separate faction from Earth Federation it's same goes to Vulture (Gundam X), I like your decision to lock the freedom and justice it's not the alliance MS it's Clyne Faction MS (ORB), Are you planning add ORB and ZAFT? it's very sweet if you add those two faction

Anonymous said...

Yeah I hope there will be orb faction

Anonymous said...

please add gundam 00, unicorn and wing

Anonymous said...

i hope too, of seeing
the faction separated,
make one for seed, uc, and gundamx,

...i you guys could do it,
i'd love a gundam00 on this...but i guess its too much work.

now: here is what i want:

in the "seed era" disable the "i can make as much archangel ship as i want"

..;this makes seed too strong.
and i would definitely like to see upgrades for every mechs(not every gundam has upgrades)

ps: make the upgrades a bit cheaper.

all i can say next: i love ur work: keep it up!

Anonymous said...

We need ORB and ZAFT!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right we need it lol

Anonymous said...

Ok guy, there will be NO Zaft.
There will be NO Gundam Zero Zero in our mod. There are a number of reason for this. The biggist one being being we don't have the model for the game that we would need to make a full scale for of either force. The second reason being that we don't have a place fore them in our story.

Not to be mean about this but I have watch you guys for a while now and I have notice you childish notion that some of you come up with just for the sake of coming up with it because it is something that you like in gundam. You MUST keep in mind that when you ask for us to put something in the game it MUST have game value to the players. The Value must go beyond "it looks really cool" and has to go into how it would benefit the play from a game play point of view. How does this idea impact the player and how can this idea lead the player for victory. Every unit that is put in the game, every idea that we take into account has to me these guild lines.

So right now we are working on see with you guys and we are asking you what kinds of power should see have? What kind of unit deployment should seed have along with what kind and units. But you have to tell use why as well but it has to be based off of a game play point of view as well as in the tv show, video game or manga as well.

So before you guys even think about posting another thing kick this around in your head. What I just posted to you is what we all looking for in the thought process of your ideas.

azuza001 said...

Guys, what I think doug was trying to say there is we have already posted our thoughts about those armies, and what we are looking for is information on how you would do your own earth alliance army from seed. The reason we moved seed down on our list of things to do is because you all seemed to have a lot to say when I posted that info up and we wanted to hear more. So that's what we are looking for here.

Tri-Edge94 said...

Hi, i have an idea for the seed side certain mobile suits take a while to move across the map i was thinking is it possible to make it where u can take a mobile suit and launch em from the arch angel but it could be like a time limit for the catapult to recharge after every launch so the player cant just spam an entire army across the map and maybe put a launch range on it so the player cant just launch say a nuke mobile suit all the way from there base to the enemies theyd have to actually move the arch angel close enough to do so but maybe make it able to go half way or a quater of the way across the map with a launch and i was also tihnking how would it be putting the minerva as another battleship into the game and maybe the Destiny and impulse?

well there just suggestions anyways sorry if there stupid

azuza001 said...

Actually Tri-Edge, I kind of do like that idea. I'm not sure if I can implement it into the game though, but I will look into seeing if there is a way to use the Arch Angel (or any of the space carriers for that matter) to deploy units faster on the board without it resulting in "just another carrier unit" like the Madea is for UC.

Also we do have a few SEED ship models that we have thought about using, but the CNC engine really isn't designed for massive fleets, it's a more ground based game so I'm trying to stay away from using a lot of them. Still, if we can come up with a fair, useful implementation for the added space ships I may use them.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea... we are going to have to look into that. That also go me think on the seeds black phantom force that they have. Using a capital it the stealth cloud so that ms units in its must could have the stealth abilities as well that are in the range.

Ryan is right though about the capital ships. CNC 3tw is not made for that kind of stuff. In the end if this can work by capital ship when we might just have to do by a mobile launcher or mobile land base of some kind.

Tri-Edge94 said...

well im glad to hear you like those ideas unfortunately im no computer expert so i dont tihnk ill be rly any help in the process but i hope u can get that into a working piece of this mod good luck

Anonymous said...

well, ideas are coming along well,
lets see:
here are some glitches i found in alpah8.2

-battleship often go trough mountains while moving

-some UC\X gundam suits are all white (un-textured)and their animations all.

-when adding the "shader"effects to a higher level, the gundam freedom and strike freedom have a "invisible water-like shield" ...which is really annoying and useless.

now what i dont like in the modd:

-some units are very slow, i like gundam which are fast...

-gundam have a slow rate of construction, it takes time to develop a "ggod" army, but the resource thingy, (the machine on top of tiberium whell) digs tiberium really slow...

so you often get overwhelmed by "rusher" IA

_some units like the freedom...could have had WAAAaaaay
better effects, like the "special beam" attack, couldnt you make it a big laser?instead of little red slash laser?


-also, i'd like to see some Zaku warriors...didnt see any...and thats a BIG miss in all of the eras u guys exploited...just saying.


that was it...rmember, my goal is to critic u guys so u get better, not to make u guys depressed or somethin...i love ur work, as i said before, keep it up!

(hope i wasnt too annoying...?)

Anonymous said...

...i donno if it helps...but, might also cheer u is what i like in the modd (A8.2)

_allot of gundam from UC;..makes the UC very defencive army type!

_allot of powerful attack and "hero" units makes Seed an aggressive type...

-fast to build units and good overall mobility makes gundam X a very polyvalent type

those are the good points of ur armies...they should be more focused on it...^^

teamwindom00 said...

...i saw u guys mentioned that, u would not do gundam00 era...i am disappointed...

im here to help out then,
IF i was to give you all the 3d models from gundam00...would you guys reconsider making a gundam00 era?

...there might be possibilities...
*waiting for answer*

Live2Reap said...

I also really like tri-edge's idea for the catapult on the carriers. It's always irked me that none of them can carry units though I can understand why you made it that way. (Though medeas carrying mobile suits into combat never really fit right to begin with in my head. lol) Gunperry on the other hand.....that'd be cool... but now im getting off topic someone please shut me up.

I think I was one of the few people who actually was liking all the new seed changes that you guys wanted to make, im generally not a seed fan in any way shape or form but the setup you guys showed actually piked my intrest in them which is a first lol.

Anonymous said...

teamwindom00 : I will give you my reply but before I do I must know a couple things. The first is this...I want you to post up here a list of all the mobile suits model that you can give us for a 00 force in the game. Second could you give use model that we already have in the game that clearly dont look the best and if so could I see a list of that. The other thing would be this... how do you think 00 would play out in our game base on what you seen so fair with what we have done with gundam and why. These are things that I would need to know in order for me to even play with the thought of going to ryan and saying "hey we can do this" or "sorry but we already have plan we need to move forward on". I like the dedication that you have given to us thus far and I respect it.

As for seed at this point I still don't see any reason we should change form what ryan has laid out for you guys. I will be looking forward to here what you all of you have to say on that.

Anonymous said...

Live2Reap: why don't you like gundam seed and what do you think they did right and wrong with the series. What do you think we should and should not do for the seed side.

azuza001 said...

Ok, sorry I haven't posted a responce to anyone in the last few days, I have been working on some stuff.

As for units appearing white, they actually are textured. Its just I suck at texturing, I am currently relearning how to texture better in max 8 so to try and fix these issues. I can honestly say textures are my least favorite thing to do. It drives me nuts and I am trying to get better at it. The other problem is the game likes to make everything super shinny, and when you see a unit that is all white what your seeing is the sun reflecting off the unit. I am working on a fix for that as well.

I am currently working on fixing all the buildings in the ef side, so they look better/right. But it is a slow process so bear with me.

I think I also figured out a way so that the game doesn't clip its big ships nearly as much as it used to, so that should also be fixed one of these days.

Keep up the good talks guys I am enjoying these ideas.

teamwindom00 said...

first: the white units, some UC gundam ...donno the names,

second: my anwser;

gundam00 could ether be used for an "areal support" (most of MS from 00 are in sky)

or you could add it as a new era to choose from at the beginning of the game...

what i can give you guys are 3d models, that you guys will have to convert(the format) and resize(if needed)

these models are currently in X. format, but i can be converted using Deep exploration.

the mecha i can give you

-GN arms(exia)
- dynames
-00 raiser
_Union Flag(blue unit)
_Union flag custom(black unit)
-GN archer
-ect...(maybe more i dont remember)

you guys could duplicate the Union flag, which can be considered a basic unit...

if you have any question,
please, feel free to contact me:

teamwindom00 said...

another post of mine:

i noticed in the seed era,
in the airport, you can create 2 units: an orange ship and a "flying gundam" unit...that one, when its attacks doesnt do damage, no nothing<. odd.

+here are ideas for gundam00:

you guys could add gundam00 as a new era, and add kyrios\arios in the air port

and simply make gundam00 unit deployment like the UC era :allot of "hero" unit(1 time recruitment)

that would be the simplest guys decide.


in any case, gundam00 added or not, i will dedicate a place for this game(xenoforce reborn) in my forum. You guys will have instant fame, + we may be able to help you out. ...

a modder.

azuza001 said...

Yes, I know what gundam units your talking about. Like I said, i suck at texturing. As I am finding, I really enjoy the coding aspect of this, I'm starting to get into the modeling aspect, but I just suck/hate the whole texturing part. So, I'm trying to make the models a bit more detailed so that I can use less detail in the textures. The problem is that the game has a shiny aspect to it's textures for when light hits the units and a lot of maps have a full noon sun, making the units appear completly white in the game. It's a pain in the ass and I'm trying to find a way to get around this. So please bear with us on this.

As for the animations, again this go's back to my modeling skills. Making the models are a lot easier than making them able to move, and I find walking is a very hard thing to do and make it look right. So again, as I get better these things will be taken care of. If anyone has some expertese and can offer some help in this aspect I would love to hear from you.

Finally, Gundam 00. I confess that I know next to nothing about this series. Heck, I don't know a lot about Gundam SEED or X really, but I am learning/watching X right now and will be watching SEED directly after. Everything I do know about these shows deals with all of the technical information and background info that I have read online about the opposing forces. This is one of the true beautiful aspects of Gundam vrs a lot of sci-fi animes I find, there is never a true bad guy, it's almost always simply a case of Ideology and morals playing against each other and the resulting conflicts that such clashes produce. This is why I think that Gundam is the perfect choice for a RTS, if we can capture these feelings in the armies then we would have done something that others try to do all the time, which is have a compelling game with lots of choices.

Why am I ranting on about this? My feeling is that Gundam should be about choices. If your a player that feels that the end justifies the means, that the only way to win a war is from a position of strength over your opponent, that by using unspeakable power on a mass scale to scare your oppents into submission is the path for victory, then AW would be your army. If you chose a more direct route, to play from the position of a single unit on the field to win the game for you and to base your army and stratagies around this unit type, then UC works for you. And if your a player that feels that tactics, speed, and keeping a position that losing 1 of your units is exceptable as long as it kills 2 of theirs in the process then SEED will be your game.

How would Gundam 00 work?

Anonymous said...

theres only one thing i ask for and thats a upgrade for the power plants so i dont end up building 15+ plants just for defense

Tri-Edge94 said...

hi again,

i was thinking about the new MS building ur implementing into the mod how the medeas gonna fly over and drop the mobile suits i was thinking maybe you could change the airfields into airfields with actual air strips like in C&C Gernerals Zero Hour and have like a special ability (i tihnk thats what you call em) the things on the side like when u cal in the white dingo force or radar scan and the blue destiny and a medea lands onto the airstrip and empties special Ms or just a group of basic MS or you could just make the MS production building an airstrip type of building and have the medeas land and empty the mobile suits idk if this is impossible since even the actual airstrips in the game gor GDI and SCRIN etc are just like the ones u implemented its just an idea i was rolling around i hope it was helpfull

(btw sorry for spelling errors)


Anonymous said...

I don't care very much about other things but please let Strike freedom, Infinity Justice and Destiny available in your mod. Thanks

teamwindom00 said...


hum...good question, but thats for u to think about,what i can provide are 3d models...

no need for walking animation, just make them fly...

gundam 00 could be a path where the player chooses his hero's(celestial being) and then goes to war with he's special mecha...once defeated, u could make a power up version of the gundam (season 2) and then battle with this...

fairly easy concept...
vut u said you didnt know anything about gundam00, so my talk is chinese right? XD

look, in gundam00, there is 4 main "hero unit" , you could make ur era around this concept, building those unit...and then, make a second version of these "hero"(once destroyed, and technologies researched) , that would be the same heros from the 2nd it?

i can provide those...

exia is a sword type unit

kyrios is a plane transformable unit

virtue is an heavy artillery unit(bazooka)

dynames is a sniper unit(medium artillery)

got it?...if u need help or just give up on making a 00 era, thats fine with me, at least you were able to listen to my ideas, and i appreciate this.the rest, is your choice, your work.


azuza001 said...

As far as an airfield gos, it can't be done. Ea broke that part of the code awhile back and no one has figured out a fix to it yet.

Again, I just don't see a reason to put those units in seed, they are not part of the earth alliance which is the army we are putting in.

As for gundam 00 again I don't know anything about it, but I am not sure if the layout you gave us would work well. I will wait until I hear from doug about it before making a final desison.

azuza001 said...

As far as an airfield gos, it can't be done. Ea broke that part of the code awhile back and no one has figured out a fix to it yet.

Again, I just don't see a reason to put those units in seed, they are not part of the earth alliance which is the army we are putting in.

As for gundam 00 again I don't know anything about it, but I am not sure if the layout you gave us would work well. I will wait until I hear from doug about it before making a final desison.

Anonymous said...

Is that true g00 will be in the game, yipe... i would like to see 00 raiser and reborns gundam in action

Anonymous said...

I think the best way is make the gundam 00 new faction Celestial Being and A-Laws, Celestial being cannot produce mass product MS and just produce high performance gundam ( Gundam 00 seems similar to Gundam Wing), A-Laws similar to Titans which is corrupt EF forces. or you can merge that two faction named Earth Sphere Federation if you don't like 2 separated faction.

Anonymous said...

Ok this is my take on it…gudam 00 can work from a game point of view do to the fact that the game it self is all about energy source. You have the energy consumption issues dealing the the solar sat along with that of the GN drive. To a degree I think that both of these thing should be played out in the game like the invid with protoculture and the scrin with tieberum. The GN drive is at that level.
Now from a game play stand point I have lesson to what has been said and I have mixed feelings about piloting them in. The first thing is this if we do put Gundam 00 in the game the players should NOT be able to play with Celestial Being…keep in mind that Celestial being is not part of EF in any way shape or form. Like those in gundam wing, and the aueg of UC Celestial being saw them selves are regulators. Fighting the greatest threat at that piont in time not care what side it came from. This posses a problem and at the same time fixes an issue I keep on seeing come up in the blog postings.
I am going to tell you all here and now that the only way I can justify putting Gundam 00 in the game is if we put Celestial being in under context. The person who would choose 00 would play with UN (United Nations) Forces/Earth Sphere Federation/A-LAWS/Innovators…they can not play as Celestial being. I will give you a quick out look of how I would be willing to consider setting it up.

Anonymous said...

The play starts off with the normal ef setup as all gundam players do. The player will then advance to the next set up after construction of project vaita. After this the player will them be able to start construction on Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, AEU (Advanced European Union) and Human Reform League. During the game play of propper deployment and met requirements the player will then mover on the GN based units along then become the Earth Sphere Federation. A-Laws will be the players main end game body of units. However the Innovators will become the players “elite” end game unit that will tie into Vaida some how.
Now how do the gundam come into play…simple they way it will work is the gundams for the 00 player will be setup that they will attack any player that uses an aggressive ability from the games “spell book” or builds a building that is a WMD. This will allow it so that both sides can not go unchecked in game or any player for that matter and at the same time the gundams play true to there nature. The gundam unit will level up and can out at the player that is using 00 does. So all I can say is if you guys really want to have Celestial being then you can have them in there interty.
I have more to say but I want your feed back and I have to talk to ryan first about the rest. So what do you guys think.

Anonymous said...

The play starts off with the normal ef setup as all gundam players do. The player will then advance to the next set up after construction of project vaita. After this the player will them be able to start construction on Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, AEU (Advanced European Union) and Human Reform League. During the game play of propper deployment and met requirements the player will then mover on the GN based units along then become the Earth Sphere Federation. A-Laws will be the players main end game body of units. However the Innovators will become the players “elite” end game unit that will tie into Vaida some how.
Now how do the gundam come into play…simple they way it will work is the gundams for the 00 player will be setup that they will attack any player that uses an aggressive ability from the games “spell book” or builds a building that is a WMD. This will allow it so that both sides can not go unchecked in game or any player for that matter and at the same time the gundams play true to there nature. The gundam unit will level up and can out at the player that is using 00 does. So all I can say is if you guys really want to have Celestial being then you can have them in there interty.
I have more to say but I want your feed back and I have to talk to ryan first about the rest. So what do you guys think.

Tri-Edge94 said...

that lay out sounds AWSOME that pretty much plays gundam 00 in its entirety i love that idea and am for it 100%

azuza001 said...

Yea, but like I emailed you doug, it can't be done. You can have a unit spawn and attack anyone or anything that comes near it, but you can't control them. That system won't work.

Anonymous said...

Can you make orb faction please... if you guys doesn't have the models I can donate some gundam seed/ destiny suits, don't worry i can convert the models to w3x and make the scale fit if you tell me the scale size so if you guys interested email me at

Tri-Edge94 said...

i dont tihnk u should make the gundams where u cant controll em u just make em exceptionaly powerfull and u controll em theres minor suits in the gundam 00 series that are in celstial being and including the new movie so it wouldnt just b the 4 gundams

Anonymous said...

don't worry orb will be in our new set up for seed! We just haven't talk to you guys yet about in on the blog. However we do need all the orb and seed model we can get from you guys.

Anonymous said...

feedback +++ for the layout of 00!

Anonymous said...

I like that idea in the end AEU/UNION/HRL will become A-LAWS/INNOVATOR or EARTH SPHERE FEDERATION/ KATHARON/ CELESTIAL BEING (Hero Unit Only like EXIA, 00 RAISER etc). Oh yeah i remember i have ANF model(ANF is ) So if you're decide add gundam 00, i will give you that model

Tri-Edge94 said...

i was wondering is zeon in the game all ready? cus i cant find it

azuza001 said...

No, zeon isn't in the game yet. On our current schedual we probably won't be adding zeon in until next year, though we are working as fast as we can. Once we finish redoing the ef buildings with ones that fit better and redo aw and seed we will be moving on to the invid, then zeon, and then finally UN Spacy (robotech). Once all of them are in the game we will be going back, fixing all of the audio to better match the shows they are from, making the special fx better match the weapons, those kinds of things.

Tri-Edge94 said...

oh ok that all sounds great i was just curious cus one of ur older posts said that zeon was in the game and iw as like "but its not in mine!" lol well anyways thank you for the fast reply

azuza001 said...

Holy crap man how far back did you go? Lol. We havn't had Zeon in the mod in a few years, our original attempt at doing this mod ended in failure when my PC crashed and I had no backup of any of code. At that time we were starting with Zeon and testing what the engine could do. This time we started with EF simply because out of all of our designs it was going to be the most complicated to do. Little did I know how right THAT was going to be lol.

Tri-Edge94 said...

lol yeah ive read probably every post youve made xD so does that mean u lost how accurate u could make the zakus walk?

Anonymous said...

i do wonna see more faction in the game...but why add robothech?
...are u guys REALLY following the path of te ex-xenoforce team?
maybe it would be better just to modify the already existing faction,, instead of having a mamoth tank (GDI) replace it with a robotech mecha. thats a good idea...i think.

azuza001 said...

To Tri-Edge - Lol, sorta but not really. When it comes to walking animations, some of the models do it great because we're using the original models from the Xenoforce Mod (he did put them up on the website free for anyone to use) and they still have all of their animations. So, I have the Zaku II with it's original walking animation. But you can't simply just put the zakus animation to another model, it doesn't work. My own personal issue is that I'm still learning with this stuff, just last night I finally figured out how to texture much better. I'm working on trying to make the animations better on a lot of the newer models that have been donated to us, but those models don't have a default animation for anything so I have to manually do it, and as you can tell it's a definate work in progress.

Anonymous - We are putting Robotech into the game instead of Macross for a few reasons. The main one being that, after looking at what is avalible to each side, we think that Robotech offers us a much better choice. With Robotech we have the UN Spacy force from the 1st war, the Sothern cross from the 2nd war, and the Expeditinary force from the 3rd war to pull from for our forces. All 3 forces are designed differently giving us the ability to mold a unique looking experience for players. With Macross, it all just keeps moving forward on the path of the VF-1's and that's pretty much it. We've gone into more detail on a lot of reasons why we dont' want Macross in earlier posts, but sufficient to say Macross is being replaced by Robotech.

As for the other side of things, we COULD have just put the original mod into the game as it was, but what would that really give you? A bunch of units that don't make much since. Sure, I know people want to take GP03 and Wing Zero Custom and go blow up some stuff, but those 2 units shouldn't be together, but there is really no reason why all those different gundams were thrown together in the old mod. Don't get me wrong, I loved the old mod, we just want to take what that mod was and expand fully on it's original idea.

Tri-Edge94 said...

i was wondering are you planning on giving AI to computer gundam generals? cus prolly most of us just play against the computer but ive tried that with a gundam general and they dont do anything not even build is that possible to give it AI? or are u planning on it?

azuza001 said...

Actually we are in the process of redesigning EF (AGAIN) with 2 major goals in mind.

1. Making it so that it is cleaner, more straightforward, and easier to use.

2. Making it so that an AI can use it.

The first one is important for obvious reasons. We need a design that will allow 3 different play styles to be shown while at the same time giving a clean look where you don't just see a bunch of grayed out buildings when you don't choose certain sides of the EF. Our new design which I hope to have implemented by October 1st should do this.

Believe it or not, I don't have a fast net connection. My connection tops out normally at about 20k a second, meaning that I can only play with others on a lan or against the computer, so getting the AI to work is very important to me too. However, the AI isn't on the top of the list of things to get working right this second for EF. If everything go's according to our internal schedual we should see a working AI for EF in some form by christmas.

Tri-Edge94 said...

that sounds awsome how long do you tihnk itll take to finish the EF rebuild and put out the new patch? cus the seed rebuild looks AWSOME i was also thinking maybe you should put Saviour gundam in seed cus it was basicaly like airmaster for seed destiny with launcher strikes beam cannon lol well anyways what do you tihnk the ET is for a new patch with the EF rebuild?

azuza001 said...

Our goal is to have the next mod out October 1st. However this next release will not have the new SEED in it, nor will it have anything new for AW. IF I manage the time I'd like to at least have UC's new design implemented, but that's also up in the air at this point.

No, this new version will be based around the original 3 armies, along with a generic overhaul in EF's resource and building layout.

I wish I had more time to work on this project, I really do, but real life is a pain sometimes lol.

Anonymous said...

A few things I would like to point out. First I think that we should remember the this mod is called "Xenoforce Reborn". Reborn means just that reborn. There are things that we are keeping from the old mod and there are things we are taking out. Part of it is just do to the fact that the original game was incomplete and not balanced. Other things to look at is when will and will not play this mod. GDI, Nod and Scrin have been important to this mods development of this game and there are tones of people that are going to want to plays those armies. We have learned a lot from those forces about what can and can not be done in this game. We should also keep in mind that there people that will only be willing to play this mod if we give them a far shot in the arm with the original 3.

No one in there right mind is going to want to play a mod where a of their choosing comes out to be weaker just because we didn't think it was cool enough to deal with when dealing it from a game development piont of view. That holds true for gundam, zeon, invid and the RDF as well. Because we take this point of view with our mod it has allowed to keep and take out unneeded units and unneeded military forces. From a game play stand point we are obligated to offering the player the best style of game play while staying true to the content of the material we are working from.

Tri-Edge94 said...

i was thinking aout the seed rebuild maybe you should add in some of the gundams from SEED vs ASTRAY the nebula blitz apparently has a teleportation ability

azuza001 said...

I can't see us putting any of those units in honestly, I think personally that SEED has enough units with what we showed as options. Honestly, I don't even know what those units are lol.

Tri-Edge94 said...

lol sorry didnt realise that link doesnt work right heres another

azuza001 said...

I read those suits. Honestly though the problem is that the whole "just add more units in because" doesn't work. We did that with our original attempt at the mod with Zeon and it was such a horrible failure, that's why we are so adimint against it this time. If there is a reason, a type of unit that would help close a whole in SEEDS army design, or just a completly different design for SEED that the unit would be needed for, then these are good reasons to put a unit in. I don't see any of those units fitting into those reasons.

Tri-Edge94 said...

oh alright i just didnt know if uve seen those MS yet so i figured id let ya know

Anonymous said...

Tri-Edge94 think of it like this..."If I would like to have a new unit (or units) in the game what can it do from a players piont of view." Think about, see if we already have a unit that already meets this need. If we do then is the unit you looking to add a better fit. If so why and if its not then ask yourself why isn't. Right now you guys have a oppertunity to look at where seed is and before we make any changes to it you guys are going to get first say. The way I would look at it is you should take the line up of units from A to Z. It could be that the line up of mobile suit units could be off and there could be a better way of setting the units up that we haven't looked at. But before you take a stand like that you really think the whole layout out.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Gundam Seed fan - I am glad that the Arch Angel is in the game! I've always wanted it to have its turrets in the game though - it doesn't feel right without them haha. Like would it be possible to add them in? Say if you could, they could be anti-air heavy weapons which would have a slow recharge rate so that the arch angel doesn't seem tooooooo strong. I unno, it would be nice to see it if it was possible.The positron cannon from generals was nice too eh

Keep up the good work man,


azuza001 said...

Actually we plan on changing the ArchAngel (and all the capitol ships at that) and making them fill their original rolls better in the game. This includes giving the Arch Angel the weapons it's supposed to have.

Anonymous said...

So, the Arch Angel is going to get its weapons?

That's excellent news!!
