Friday, September 28, 2012

Xenoforce O3 Version 2.0 Release Canidate 1

Test it out and let us know what you think!


Alan said...

I had a problem with the rocket squad. they wouldnt attack a Garrisoned bunker of the enemy's.

Alan said...

also nod missles seem to be doing too much damage they managed to take out my carry-alls and my predators with a few shots. also are they supposed to rank up quickly?

azuza001 said...

1. Which rocket squad? GDI or NOD?

2. Nods default missiles do the same amount of damage as GDI's. The idea now is that a unit that has a teir 1 weapon can take out a teir 1 armor of their vs type with little issue.

Example : A teir 1 RPG team from NOD should be able to take out a teir 1 vehicle like a pitbull relatively easy. However a teir 3 armor would need additional hits to kill and a teir 5, well, it will look like it's not doing much of anything.

Alan said...

GDI rocket squad for some reason they wont attack without an individual order and even then its only sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Scrins Master mind are Over Powered..